As you know, the much loved gossip girl series by Cecily von Ziegesar has now been turned into a hit television show staring Blake Lively. The books are filled with glitz and glamour, movie stars and models, but it seems like the Gossip Girl books has taken to finding the freshest faces for the modeling industry.

Taylor Warren with New York models launched her career by starring on the cover of a Gossip Girl book and has since appeared in top magazines including Glamour and Elle. Taylor is a regular in her own Fashion spot forum and has an extremely loyal fan base. Her light blue eyes and near black hair keep you looking again and again. Taylor has only begun to hit her stride, next stop? Hollywood!

Andi Muise was scouted by the same women who found Jessica Stam in a Tim Hortons coffee shop, signed with DNA and immediatly jetted off to new york. She has since walked the top runways in NYC and struuted her stuff on the infamous Victoria's Secret runway. Before all this? You guessed it, a Gossip Girl cover.
It seems that the secret to success is posing on the cover of a successful teen novel series. I wonder who'll they'll chose to be Blair next?
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