Rad Hourani's fall 2008 collection was not the biggest show in New York this season, but it was surely one of the most buzzed about. Cast by Wayne from the Imagist and Models.com, the choices were perfect and the caliber simply unheard of for such a new designer.

Rad was able to land 4 MAJOR exclusives including new face Camille and past Meisel muse Sunniva, both from New York Models. 3 other New Faces also shared the Spotlight; Kathleen, Rena and Natalie. Superstars also hit the show, with Suvi, Coco, and Daiane all taking a turn for the Designer.

The Models were not the only focus however, the clothes were immpeccable. Rad showed us that he is not just a creator of clothes, but a creator of a lifestyle. From the eerie remixes of Siouxie and Pat Benatar to the minimalistic white space and clean, white benches. The show was perfect.

We should expect to see much, much more from Rad Hourani in the next months, his clothing is already of favorite of I-D magazine and cool girl come stlyist Erin Wasson, calling the pieces "f**king awesome". I had the pleasure of working with Rad on the collection and was able to see his vision behind the clothes. Everything had to be done perfectly and in the "Rad Hourani" way, and it is this perfectionalism that will be the key to Rad's success as a designer. The collection was styled by the king of effortlessly cool and favorite of Paul Rowland, Nicholas Grasa. The mix of textures and a black palate with a bold infusion of red made the show one to be remembered.

Rad Hourani has a drive and a vision that is, as he describes as "Eternal". Not a bad start at all eh?
His clothes have never been featured in i-D magazine. Can you post your source for that reference?
source: cole mohr said he wore them in a shoot.
and a profile was done on rad with meghan collison.
editor attended the show
No editor from I-D attended the show...?
In i-D this coming April and more to come!
actually clotheshorse, i am with i-D and none of the editors attended the show. i guess you got mixed up info? were you there?
i was there :)
i actually was calling the show lol
sorry, we had an RSVP from I-D, don't know if they came..?
it's hard to tell in those spaces.
busy busy
but i am 100% sure about the shoot or shoots!
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