My love for Mode Model Samantha Ypma is infinite. She has one of those amazingly angular faces that you come across once in a life time. The cats eyes, ivory skin and flaming red hair seem to be a combination of the gods. Someone definitely did something right with this one.

Sam is with New York models and is almost ready to hit the international fashion scene. This girl has a passion for the business that is so rare amongst models and that others will surely notice. At 5'9" and 34.5" hips, she's near perfection. Keep watch for Sam Ypma, in two years, she's going to be the name on every body's lips.
She has a great look. Almost cat-like
she has that strange amazing face that can capture a really good photo.
no one looks like her! just amazing!
i dont knwo if i like her better with long hair or short. mah, is it really important? for she is really flawless.
Brilliant site, I hadn't come across the-clotheshorse.blogspot.com previously during my searches!
Carry on the wonderful work!
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